Heritage Trail 2023
Heritage Trail 2023
August 2023
The Heritage Hub was set up at the holding site at Mattar Road, in 2022. It is filled with rich information on the history of St Margaret’s School. A Heritage Trail was organised in line with our 180th Anniversary for our students learn and appreciate how the school was founded and also the different changes the school had gone through during the 180 years. The students were so intrigued and excited to learn from our current teachers, who are ex-students of the school. They shared many stories about their school days and experiences in St. Margaret’s. A booklet was used to engage the students so that they could document their learning.
In 2023, the heritage trail was again conducted especially for our P1s, to orientate them on our rich history as well. The excitement was shown through their questions and response as the teachers shared the school history.
We hope that St Margaret’s School history would always be embedded in the hearts and minds of the students.